According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there is no evidence that cleaning air ducts reduces dust levels or improves air quality. The EPA has published some publications as guidance on identifying problems related to air quality and ways to prevent them. Cleaning the air ducts could help remove any smoke residue that has seeped into the heating and cooling system to improve indoor air quality. After cleaning the ducts, a complete cleaning of the air filter, the oven and the inner coil ensures the removal of all particles.
However, studies conclusively show that when there are visible signs of household dust, airborne particles, or substantial visible growth, homeowners should normally consider hiring a duct cleaner, especially if there has been a change in respiratory or allergy symptoms or if it has been a long time since the last cleaning of the HVAC system. Homeowners can perform some maintenance tasks, such as cleaning drains, heating and cooling coils, and changing the air filter. Cooking, smoking, and harsh cleaning products damage the quality of the house's air more than dust adhering to the ducts. Professionals use high-end Roto Bristol brushing machines with HEPA filters and ventilate vacuums outside of houses.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, having your ducts properly maintained isn't a waste of money if the duct cleaning process isn't done too often, as this improves system efficiency. You shouldn't assume that all air duct cleaning service providers are equally knowledgeable, as there are several duct cleaning scams. When they come to your home, ask suppliers to show you the contamination to justify cleaning the air ducts. You can clean the ducts yourself, but you must take certain steps to ensure that you don't cause more damage to the ducts than fix any problems.